Hexahedral Mesh Quality Improvement via Edge-Angle Optimization

Kaoji Xu, Guoning Chen


We introduce a simple and practical technique to untangle and improve hexahedral (hex-) meshes. We achieve that by enabling the deformation of the boundary surfaces during the untangling process, which provides more space to reach a valid solution. To improve the element quality, an angle optimization strategy is proposed, which has much simpler formulation than the existing method. The deformed volume after optimization is then pulled back to the original one using an inversion-free deformation. In contrast to the current methods, we perform the untangling and quality improvement within a few local regions surrounding elements with undesired quality, which can effectively improve the minimum scaled Jacobian (MSJ) quality of the mesh over the existing method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods by applying it to the hex-meshes generated by a range of methods.

We optimize a hex-mesh (a) with multiple inverted (red) elements. We first obtain a target surface (b) by aligning boundary vertices to features. We then produce an inversion-free mesh (d) with large surface distance error via optimizing the local regions (c) using a soft constraint on the surface. Next, we use inversion-free deformation to pull the surface of (d) back to the one obtained in (b) and obtain an inversion-free mesh (e). Using a hard constraint on the surface, we further optimize the mesh to improve its MSJ with low surface distance error (f).


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