
Kaoji Xu, Guoning Chen
Hexahedral Mesh Structure Visualization and Evaluation
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE Vis), 2018
[Project Page] [Supplymental Material] [Code]

Kaoji Xu, Xifeng Gao, Guoning Chen
Hexahedral Mesh Quality Improvement via Edge-Angle Optimization
Computer & Graphics (special issue of CAD/Graphics 2017), Vol. 70: pp. 17--27, February 2018.
[Project Page] [Supplymental Material and Code] [Poster] [Video]

Xifeng Gao, Jin Huang, Kaoji Xu, Zherong Pan, Zhigang Deng, Guoning Chen
Evaluating Hex-mesh Quality Metrics via Correlation Analysis
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2017), 36(5): 105--116, 2017
[Supplymental Material 1] [Supplymental Material 2] [Supplymental Material 3] [Data (3GB)] [Code] [SGP presentation]

Kaoji Xu, Xifeng Gao, Zhigang Deng, Guoning Chen
Hexahedral Meshing with Varying Element Sizes
Computer Graphics Forum, 36 (8): 540--553, 2017
[Supplymental Material] [Poster] [Video]